G.M.C.S. Metals
Contact: Andrew Jones


Stick Intro (8 min)

Stick demo (12 min)

Strength of a Tack (1 min)

Multipass - Fillet (-13 min)

Filling a Gap (3 min)

Weld Sequencing (3 min)

Fillet Weld - Vertical (3 min)

Groove Fillet test (21 min)

Welding Symbols (20 min)


Snips & Plasma

Box Layout Video

Box Cutting Video

Box Bending Video

Box Spot Welding Video

Plasma Operations


Spot Welding


Poor Welds (9 min)



10 Safety Tips



So You Want To Become A Welder (15 min)

High Paying Jobs (2:30)

Worlds Greatest Ship Building (43 min)

Pipeline Construction (5 min)

Underwater Welding (11 min)

Jay Leno’s Garage (8 min)

Jay Leno’s Garage 2 (8 min)

$5000/week – Welding School (5 min)

Hard Knock of Life – Structural Welders (27 min) 

Weld Tester (14 min)

Job Description (text)


Supply Teacher

Metallurgy of Welding (43 min)

ACORN - Teacher

ACORN - Students

Torch Cutting

Oxy Setup (3 min)

Oxy Cutting (5 min)

Oxy Welding Complete (24 min)

Oxy Safe Operations (40 min)

Gas Welding thin steel (8 min)

Brazing Simplified (6 min)